How Immibadger helps you

Skilled immigration has always been a black box. Use our analyzed data to craft and share your impactful story.

Library of Appeals

Search and explore petition appeals that are similar to your story

Game Changer

USCIS Decision Making

Understand how USCIS makes decisions on each evidence

Game Changer

Augment your petition

Take key insights and augment your petition to make it impactful

Game Changer

RFE Preparation

Learn from the appeals on what missing or additional evidence can help you

Game Changer

Take action based on data

Without having Immibadger you are missing a key advantage your petition can have

Without Immibadger

Limited understanding of USCIS evaluation
Uncertainty about necessary evidence
Manual review of relevant appeals
Limited input into modeling your story
Heavy dependence on lawyers inputs

With Immibadger

Insight into USCIS decision-making process
Clear view of required evidence
Access to analyzed appeals and evidence
Detailed reasoning to help with your story
Assists you and your lawyer to strengthen petition

Petition Building

Data driven improvements to your petitions

Existing Workflow

Iterate in a silo of working with only a lawyer. Limited view into how to portray the story and different criterias to have a strong petition

Workflow with Immibadger

Use Immibadger to craft strategies based on appeals and reasoning of presented evidence.

See it in action

Skilled immigration has always been a black box. Use our analyzed data to craft and share your impactful story.